Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Must Dos When Facing Work Disciplinary Action

Must Dos When Facing Work Disciplinary Action Disciplinary actions from your employer are something that many of us fear even if they are minor. The thought of jeopardizing your career or losing your job entirely can be devastating. Not only to you but your family as well. This type of action is usually carried out when your employer has a concern or issue with your conduct or performance in the workplace. Often these concerns can be dealt with quickly and informally. But other times it can be more complicated. So if you are currently facing disciplinary action, here are some important things you must do. When you are facing a disciplinary action: Find out the allegations Most employers will organize a disciplinary meeting to discuss the allegations and to see if a suitable outcome can be reached. This is something you will be encouraged to attend. It’s not uncommon for employees to attend these meetings without having a clear understanding of that the claims against them are. This can make it incredibly difficult to give evidence and prepare yourself to give concise answers to help with your defense.  So it’s always beneficial to know exactly what the allegations are before this meeting occurs. Usually, you will be provided with a letter or document stating the issues and concerns your employer has. If any of the reasons stated do not make sense, you need to contact an employment lawyer such as Alan Lescht and Associates. They will be able to help defend and prepare you for further action should you decide to take it. Find out more about the process Another vital thing you need to do is find out exactly how your employer’s disciplinary process works. They should provide you with documentation that clearly states each step in detail. This will give you valuable insight into how it will be conducted and possible outcomes. If they have not already given you this vital information, request it straight away. This will help to make you feel more at ease and take all of the mystery out of the process. Also, ask your lawyer as they will have knowledge and experience that can also help you to prepare more efficiently. Find a trustworthy witness During your disciplinary meeting, you have every right to have a witness. This can be another colleague, legal support or a union representative. Ask someone who you trust and who has your best interests at heart. Not only can they offer guidance and support, but they can record the meeting for you. This will give you your own independent record of what is being said and agreed up. Which you can use as evidence and refer to in future should you decide to proceed with legal action against your employer. The key to dealing with these work-based claims of misconduct is by seeking support and being prepared. You have every right to challenge the allegations made against you if you think they are not accurate. But you also need to know what options and rights you have as an employee. So get informed and seek expert assistance in getting these issues sorted. Image Source; Image Source; Image Source

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